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Arugula Salad w/ Pears and Pecans


Updated: Apr 15, 2021

(10 min)


Pears (1 should be plenty for a salad for 4 people)


Pecans (your desired amount of nuts in a salad)

Lemons (1-2)


garlic powder



Parmesan cheese (fresh)

Wash Arugula and put into a bowl. Chop pears into pieces - I like to make mine about 1in long. Add to the bowl.

Make the dressing: squeeze 1-2 lemons into a bowl (or I usually use my measuring cup). Make sure you take out the pits after you squeeze. Add salt, pepper, garlic powder and oil. I usually do at least 1:1 ratio lemon to oil, sometimes a little more oil if I want it less lemon-y. Stir it all together.

On high heat, add desired amount of pecans into a pan and roast - I like mine lightly roasted. Consistently mix them around so they don't burn. Once you start seeing the pecans start to get a darker brown, maybe a bit of black on the edges, remove from heat.

Add pecans to the salad, then pour in the dressing.

Top with freshly grated parmesan cheese!

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