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Chicken Matzo Ball Soup


(1 hour)


Whole chicken*







dill (1-2 tbsp. depending on your preference)

chicken broth (~96 oz per whole chicken)

Manischewitz matzo ball mix*

4 eggs

Chop carrots, onions, and celery.

In a pot, sauté, with oil, the carrots, celery and onions for 3 minutes. Season with salt and pepper. Switch the heat to low and put the top on the pot to cook.

While the vegetables are cooking, take apart the whole chicken. Once all chicken has been removed from the bones, chop with a knife. Put chicken into the pot with the vegetables.

Take dill off the stems and lightly chop. Use half of the dill and add to the pot, use the other half to mix into the matzo ball mixture.

Add enough chicken broth to fully cover all ingredients (about 1-2 inches above the ingredients in the pot. For a whole chicken with vegetables that's about 96oz for me, but do as you see fit!) Cook on medium-high heat for 5-10 minutes and stir occasionally. Then let simmer with lid on for as long as you would like, the longer it cooks the better!

While the soup is cooking, follow the directions on the back of the Matzo Ball soup mix box. When making the mixture, add the remaining dill. Note* it requires 15 minutes of cooling in the fridge so keep that in mind for timing. After the mixture has cooled in the refrigerator, follow the directions for how to cook in a pot of water.

Once matzo balls are ready, add to the soup mixture and cook for another 5-10 minutes.

*you can certainly buy a raw whole chicken and make it from scratch AND you can make matzo balls from scratch - but that is a whole day's worth of work and I'm looking to make this in the afternoon while my kids are running around my house!!

*matzo balls can sit in soup for about 5-6 days in the fridge



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